We have curated a collection of resource pamphlets which include topics such as coming out, crisis hotlines, giving consent & boundaries, and a parent's handbook for supporting LGBTQ+ youth.

Handbook for Being a Q+ Ally
Your child or best friend just came out to you, and you feel confused, uncomfortable, or even angry. You are not a bad person for feeling this way. It means you need to work through your emotions and ask your loved one respectful questions.

Coming Out
Not sure how to start the process of coming out? Are you afraid of what might happen? We have some tips to help you into the next chapter of your life.

Crisis Hotlines & Warning Signs
Are you or a friend experiencing a mental health, domestic abuse-related, or another kind of crisis? View our curated list of crisis hotlines.

Giving Consent & Placing Boundaries
Honoring your boundaries and other people's is critical to a healthy relationship. View our Consent & Boundaries brochure to learn about how to give consent, what it means, and more.

Parent's Handbook for Supporting Queer Youth
As a parent, you can't protect your child from opposition, rejection, marginalization, & bullying, but you can give them a soft place to land. Learn how to support your child with our guide.

Domestic & Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse can come from a parent, a friend, an intimate partner, a teacher, no matter how distant or close. Read our Domestic & Emotional Abuse guide to learn more and how to protect yourself.

LGBTQ+ Rights
As members of the LGBTQ+ community, you are entitled to be treated fairly when finding housing, education, and in the workplace.

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More Resources Coming Soon!
We are always updating and adding to our website - check back soon for more resources!

More Resources Coming Soon!
We are always updating and adding to our website - check back soon for more resources!